October 15th, 2005
Anybody interested in getting some art from me?!
My commissions are currently open. All details can be found here: [link]
Thanks for your support!!!!
Announcing bad news, XD
AXE13 is going on hiatus.
I am in the process of major editting. I'll come back soon with new pages and a new layout, ^_^
Until I'm ready to post again, I will not be sending notification letters every saturday.
October 13th, 2005
Page 59 has been added! It is unfinished, though, but I think I'm going to leave it that way. I've been editting
some of the old pages, like, marjorly. Preparing them for print and all, you know. I was hoping to do some mega updating
this week, but alas, my teachers are evil and are loading me with work.
However, I am hoping I'll have plenty of free time next week. I'm praying that I will, or I just might go mental.
I am working on character profiles, so those will be up soon, ^_^
I also added a donations button! Please support AXE13!! The donation is addressed to Touken Jen...so if you see that
instead of AXE13, don't panic, XD. Touken Jen is the name of my newly created studio, with the help of my uber awesome buddy
Thanks for all your support, everyone!!! I'll try my very best on AXE13~ XD